
out of reach

those things that seem so out of reach
out of our hands
out of our abilities
they take our dreams
to a whole new reality
its the laugh
its the smile
the way you make it seem like i've been happy for a while
your so out of reach
but so close to me
a whole new chapter of my life
an escape from all the stress and strife
if i just believe
i can see the beauty in the chaos of the world
its a whole new light
i try to strive
while every thing around me is a whirl wind
if i work hard
i can do the things that seem so out of reach
but i know they are not out of my abilities

If you keep on trying those things that were just dreams can become reality.
Don't ever tell your self you can't. It may seem out of reach, but its not out of your abilities. If you keep on going you will make it.
                                     keep on trying // its in your reach

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely deserving of popcorn, Kalya. <3


It'd be pretty great if you commented, just sayin.