
Why I write.

(image from Google)

I write to be inspired.
I write to inspire people.
I want to write something full of raw emotion.
I want to write something that will make people laugh, cry, smile.
This is why I write.

I write to vent my frustrations.
To share my joy, my happiness.
To share my pictures, my life, with people who care.
This is why I write.

To figure out the words, even when I don't know what to say.
To get out all my jumbled thoughts and stories, gone astray.
To build sandcastles in my mind, my imagination runs free.
I write for me.

I write.
Writing is my therapy.
I try not to care what anybody thinks.
When I feel like there's no one to tell...
there's a sheet of clean paper 
to be written on, just waiting.
Sitting there. Clean, pure. What will I fill it with?

What will you write today?
My Randomness and Ramblings

p.s. Thank you to Kayla for letting me guest post while she is away. :) <3


It'd be pretty great if you commented, just sayin.