
Hello! :)

Yesterday was the first day of spring! I LOVE spring! Its not to cold (Like winter) and its not to hot (like summer)! But today.. It doesn't feel like spring! It is 25 degrees out! Our weather here in Tennessee is SUPER weired! It was 65 degrees on Sunday. I took a photo shoot to celebrate the warm weather! If only it had stayed warm.... Here is one of the pics!

This is an rock covered in ivy and violets! :)
So beautiful!
Yesterday my sister decided to WASH the car in 30 degree weather... Smart choice.. (face palm)
I will give her credit though! It did look good!
My sis washing the car!
Can you tell that I drew a heart?
My dog Sadie walked outside to use the bathroom, but she saw the water hose... And ran for her life!

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