
Dear me,

Dear me,

 In a couple of years will I be tall.
 Will I have learned how to live with out being afraid to fall.
 Will I know how to love, wanting nothing in return.
 Will I bring joy and peace to the world.
Will I have known how to fight through the hard times.
Will I have been taught how to spread my wings and fly.
Soar above the mountains tops so high.
Will I have realized that I can be strong.
If you have faith and hold on.
I probably wont have found the cure to cancer.
I probably wont have every answer.
But will I understand, why things have been the way they were.
Why life went by in such a blur.

Dear me,

Please try to live happy and free.
Please understand that every body's going through something hard.
That I should always give a hand and stand guard.
At the door way to my heart.
Please always realize, that you should give a smile.
Cause you never know when you will have to say good bye.

Stay beautifully you.


It'd be pretty great if you commented, just sayin.