
Bear hats, skipping, and laughter.

x. I tried on a bear hat.
xx. My sister decided to try it on and rock it.
xxx. My friend said it looked like I was singing.. When I am super happy, I do random poses. 
xxxx. When they put the huge over sized jacket on Caitlin, I was laughing so hard. But when they put the raccoon hat on her as well.. It was officially marked the best day evahh.
xxxxx. I love that 'jacket' on her.
xxxxxx. My bestest, most epic friend and me. I honestly love that picture.
xxxxxxx. We were skipping down the road.. Singing "We are off to see the Wizard. The wonderful Wizard of Oz!" Because we rock like that.
xxxxxxxx. Another picture of our epicness.
xxxxxxxxx. That little girl, is the cutest! Kaylie and I held her for most of the Field trip.
xxxxxxxxxx. I don't know why I have that picture on here.. I just like it.. 
xxxxxxxxxxx. This is a perfect description of my day.

 I can honestly say. That was the best day ever. We played old colonial games, listened to people talk. For hours, about the history of Tennessee. But honestly, we had a lot of fun with it. We wore bear hats, we skipped, and we laughed.

Stay beautifully epic.


  1. That sounds amazing - by the way, lovin' the hat! Your sister has the BEST Star Wars tee!

  2. I was smiling with every picture! Your happiness just oozes through :) Great post!! And I thought that hat was yours;) We will have to have Uncle wrangle a bear for us sometime so we can get ourselves one! xoMuch Love to you my dear Kayla

  3. Hey there, loved your blog, just followed you on GFC(78), would you mind to follow back?


    MandySharesLife FACEBOOK PAGE

  4. Great photos! You seem very happy :)


  5. awesome pictures:) you girls look amazing together. love it<3

  6. I smiled through the whole post. :)


    P.S. you were awarded! http://achirographicmind.blogspot.com/2013/09/liebster-award.html


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